A plot generated by the PhenoGraph algorithm colored according to CD4 expression.

A plot generated by the PhenoGraph algorithm colored according to CD4 expression.

Mass cytometry has revolutionized the study of cellular and phenotypic diversity, significantly expanding the number of parameters that can be measured at the single-cell level. This high-dimensional analysis platform has, in turn, necessitated the development of new data analysis approaches. Many of these new algorithms circumvent traditional approaches used during flow cytometric analysis, fundamentally changing the way biologists analyze and interpret these data.

In a popular publication we described the analysis of a single dataset with five common CyTOF analysis platforms (viSNE, SPADE, X-shift, PhenoGraph, and Citrus). We provided a detailed workflow, identified important considerations, and highlighted potential challenges for new users.

We have collaborated on a variety of different projects and are a resource for researchers interested in the adoption of mass cytometry at Anschutz Medical Campus. We are constantly exploring new computational tools and working on methods for optimizing panel design and experimental methods.

See our Mass Cytometry Analysis resources page for more information!