The heterogeneity of expression of Actin mRNA, RCA, ORF73, and TMERs in infected cells was revealed via RNA flow.
With close collaboration with Dr. Linda van Dyk’s laboratory we focus on examining the complex relationships between various gammaherpesviruses and the host immune system. We are specifically interested in the host and viral genes that regulate viral latency and infection progression. The gene which encodes Interleukin 10 is of particular interest as it is a potent immunomodulatory cytokine which restrains immune activation and is significantly elevated during viral infection.
We study many types of gammaherpesviruses (EBV, KSHV, γHV68) and utilize a variety of mouse models and cell lines. In order to effectively study these interactions we have adopted many cutting edge techniques including: RNA seq, RNA flow cytometry, mass cytometry, and multiplexed immunohistochemistry.